Friday, June 1, 2007

Big and fat ass , How to eat healthy

I was recently reading an article that says : "American people are the fattest in the world" ... That's HORRIBLE ...I saw a photo that compared the European women with American women. Here's the photo : American women vs. European women.There's a very BIG difference.

Here I'll show you some tips:

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
Well, imagine you're a car. After a long night of sleeping, your fuel tank is empty. Breakfast is the fuel that gets you going so you can hit the road.
Any breakfast is better than no breakfast, but try not to have doughnuts or pastries all the time. They're high in calories, sugar, and fat. They also don't contain the nutrients a kid really needs. And if you have a doughnut for breakfast, you won't feel full for long.
The recommended meals are:
* Eggs
* French toast, waffles, or pancakes (try wheat or whole-grain varieties)
* Cold cereal and milk
* Hot cereal, such as oatmeal or cream of wheat (try some dried fruit or nuts on top)
* Whole-grain toast, bagel, or English muffin with cheese
* Yogurt with fruit or nuts
* Fruit smoothie, such as a strawberry smoothie

The typical teenage lunch meals are chips, soda, and a candy bar. They're high in fat, and low in essential nutrients needed for growth and development. Eating too many fats and calories can lead to being overweight. A soda has no nutrients. It only supplies energy. A better choice is milk. It has about the same number of calories, and provides the body with calcium which builds strong bones and prevents osteoporosis. Teens have been known to get bone fractures caused by osteoporosis because they don't get enough calcium. Chips are high in fat, calories, but low in many nutrients. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a better choice. They have almost no fat, are low in calories and are high in fiber and water, which helps the digestive system keep moving. Fruits and vegetables are also high in vitamin C which helps your body heal itself. A candy bar is high in sugar, fat, and calories. Sugar is digested quickly, leading to feeling hungry sooner which can lead to overeating. It also has very few nutrients. A sandwich is a better choice. It is lower in calories, and also provides proteins (from peanut butter, cheese, or meat). The proteins is what your body cells need to be healthy. The proteins helps hair and nails grow, and rebuilds muscles and other cells. The total calories for the healthy and unhealthy lunch are about the same. The difference is that the healthy lunch is more filling, and provides the body with the nutrients as well as the energy it needs. Teens are more likely to eat healthy lunch foods that they like. No matter what types of sandwiches, fruits, vegetables, milk and milk products students eat, they still provide the body with the nutrients it needs. the last meal of the day.. At dinner you have to eat light because your stomach digests slowly in the night and heavy food is digested harder.
Some dinner meals suggestions:
* A simple sandwich
* Salads
* Some fruits
* Eggs
* Chicken breast made on barbecue
Thanks To k0ltzu for grammar check!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That blonde looks like she's feeding from a trough, go figure.

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